Sunday 15 September 2013

Future of mobility in Malaysia

As transportation increased day by day, we targeted by year 2020, about 36 million tourist will coming to Malaysia. According to Department of Statistics Malaysia, population of Malaysia by year 2020 is 34.2 million. That's mean, more tourist than local resident.

With more people travelling than ever before, particularly from emerging markets, Chinese spending on international tourism increased from $5 billion to $72 billion between 1995 to 2011. While between 2010 and 2011, Brazilian and Indian spending jumped 30% and 33% which saw spending of $21 billion and $14 billion respectively.

Due to emerging technology and latest growing capability of internet and number of user, this mean in 2020

1. Information will reach traveler in new ways

2. Social network is very important in real time travel

3. Language barrier will fall as machine will help user translate it

4. Traveler will increasingly interact with travel assistant

As we live now, with mobility of internet and innovative apps provided in smartphone/device, sharing of information is very important. Crowd-sourcing enable consumer / tourist making a good planned and shared their greatest moment in no time. Question like; where is the best place to go, what are the best thing to do, where is the best restaurant, how to get there, where is the cheapest and how to plan your trip is now easily can be done in just a few clicks. This is a future of travel!  

Department of Statistics, Malaysia
"Giving the Tourism Sector a Boost" The Star, 15 Aug 2013
Travel and Tourism -A technology trajectories deep dive

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